Resources for Immigrant Families

Rian Immigrant Center

The Rian Immigrant Center welcomes immigrants and refugees with support services. They provide education services as well as immigration legal services. They specifically work with low-income and underserved immigrants in securing work authorization and resources to attain legal status. They offer online courses, such as computer courses or English for Speakers of Other languages. and individual tutoring to support immigrants. 

Mayor's Office for Immigrant Advancement (MOIA)

The MOIA aims to support immigrants by offering free immigration consultations and providing resources on how to become a U.S. citizen or getting legal resources. The first and third Wednesday of every month from 12:00 - 3:00p,, the MOIA offers free one-time immigration consultations. To register for an appointment, you can call 617-635-2980 or email

The Massachusetts Legal Resource Finder

This legal finder connects you with the contact information for legal aid offices, government agencies and court programs to help you for free or at low cost. They provide reliable referrals as well as a directory you can browse. The list of programs includes legal services, court based programs, law school clinics, bar association programs, and other nonprofits. 

Massachusetts Attorney General's Office

Organizations such as the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA) and the Boston Immigration Justice Accompaniment Network (BIJAN) offer support and information to immigrants. 

ACLU of Massachusetts

The ACLU provides easy-to-use resources about knowing your rights. They also provide access to resources about seeking legal assistance and staying up to date with their press releases.  

Justice Resource institute

The JRI offers career development, training, and growth opportunities. Examples of services include specialized in-home and community-based services throughout Massachusetts. These services include mentoring services or mental health consultation services for youth.

Boston College Immigrant Resource Document

This resource in Spanish outlines various ways to communicate with kids about the current political climate. It is available in both English and Spanish.

This is a great multilingual resource to learn more about finding the right immigrant help. If you've been harmed by someone unauthorized to provide immigration legal services, you can request assistance. They also offer tips to avoid becoming a victim and a list of lawyers helping victims. 

ACLU Resource for Discrimination Against Immigrants and Muslims

This resource provides information about knowing your rights when faced against discrimination. It provides steps you can take in response to approaches by law enforcement officers. It is available in multiple languages, including Arabic, Farsi, and Urdu

Emergency Planning Guide for Families 

This guide outlines different steps parents with uncertain immigration status may take in the event of sudden detention or deportation by federal immigration officials. They provide different legal options in a variety of languages. 

El Tímpano Guia de Recursos

This Spanish resource outlines current questions in regards to immigration, including those with TPS and DACA. They also have a resource about disinformation and how to access other resources. 

Know Your Rights with Ice

These multilingual flyers explain what rights you have and answers common questions. It also offers specific scenarios, like when ICE stops a car or when ICE intentionally misleads people. They outline steps you can take to be as best prepared as you can be. 

Tenemos Derechos 

This resource in Spanish provides visual representations of different scenarios. If you prefer to watch videos when interacting with information, this may be a good resource for you. 

National Immigration Legal Services Directory

This resource provides a searchable directory where you can find immigration legal assistance near you by putting in your state or zip code. 

Massachusetts Coalition Immigration Worker Center

You can call this organization if you need to speak up about workplace abuse. They provide training to make sure immigrant workers know their rights. You can call them at (617) 505-8939 or (617)505-8940. 

Federal Trade Commission Consumer Advice

This resource describes how to avoid immigration scams. They offer examples of fake immigration websites or scams against refugees. They also list different ways you can get some help.  

Brazilian Women's Group 

This organization offers free immigration clinics in English , Portuguese, and Spanish. They also offer ESL and Computer Literacy Classes as well as community meetings on immigration. 

Referral List of Immigration Organizations throughout Massachusetts

This resource details different providers for immigration assistance. The list is also in Spanish and Portuguese and covers areas outside of Boston. 


This is a tool that provides you with resources about learning of U.S. immigration and discusses topics including asylum, family-based petitions, and visas. The tool provides referrals to nonprofit legal services organizations. 

Community Resources 

These resources include information on misinformation and disinformation, as well as additional resources on mental health, public safety, and legal support.